The Society is the groups of men with whom we interact and the set of sociocultural values, which have an influence on our lives.
The man is part of a social and historical organism. Man's conduct towards the environment is determined by social relations and how to produce to satisfy their needs, both primary (food, clothing, housing, etc..) as secondary. To access renewable natural resources (water, soil, air, climate, flora and fauna) or non-renewable (minerals and energy), requires knowledge and tools for development of farming, forestry, infrastructure, communications and Service. This knowledge and tools is called Technology and is a bridge between man and the environment or natural resources.
Technology has contributed to scientific progress and the development of new developments that give comfort to humans, but this in turn has caused problems such as increased demand for natural resources, environmental pollution by waste production and consumption, creation of new substances and emergence of new branches of production, intensification of agricultural production and urbanization.air pollution by releasing oxygen trees among other problems. Also, by increasing the population increases the number of factories, industries and automobiles, causing an increase in Smog, which affects human health as it inhibits the replenishment of oxygen in the blood supply. (Time medicine: Enviroment V. Man, 2009).
Negative actions of human activity on the environment are evidence of the accelerating growth of social influence on this. The society, in general, it is known that environment, how to achieve development without damaging what nature gives her and what is the importance of environmental education.
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