According to the Australian Academy of Science, “Noise pollution can be defined as any unwanted or offensive sounds that unreasonably intrude into and disturb our daily lives”. The noise pollution, is an undesirable sound of any intensity, which interacts and interferes with human beings and that always causes uncomfortable and unpleasant sensation.
There are three sources of noise generators:
1. Natural Sources: noise where no human hands involved, for example, thunder, volcanoes, blizzards, cataracts, among others.
2. Point Sources: As equipment and industrial machinery, equipment and appliances, among others.
3. Mobile Sources: Noise from motor vehicles and airplanes, automobiles, trains, motorcycles, among others.
The industrial and urban growth has influenced the generation of noise, and for this reason it is considered one of the factors that produce effects on health of living beings.
Noise damage is not limited to the ear. The hearing, and a communication function with our environment and our fellow, is also a warning system linked with other organs. For this reason, excessive noise exposure can trigger side effects: rapid pulse (tachycardia) and elevated blood pressure, increase respiratory rate, increased stomach acid secretion and secretion of adrenal hormones, difficulty concentrating, restlessness, irritability, sleep disturbance and fatigue. Noise is a risk factor for the health of children and adversely affects their learning. When they are educated in a noisy environment become less attentive to the sound signals, and are disrupted in their ability to listen and a delay in learning to read. Verbal communication difficult, favoring isolation, lack of sociability and also increases the risk of stress. According to the website greenliving, “Noise disturbs feeding and breeding patterns of some animals and has been identified as a contributing factor of the extinction of some species”. In the case of owls and bats, they are guided by the sound to find and hunt their prey. Laboratory studies have shown that bats avoid hunting in noisy areas.
For more information, visit this link:
57 comentarios:
Excessive noise or unwanted sound is not only a nuisance but may also be a health hazard as indicated by numerous studies. Common sources of noise pollution are hard to define. What is an obtrusive racket to some may go largely unnoticed by others.
Undesirable sound is referred as noise. In recent years, noise pollution has been a hot topic of discussion among researchers. Noise that is continuous or lasts for a short period can equally be detrimental to our health. Some music enthusiasts say that intermittent noise is not hazardous, but this isn't true, even intermittent noise can negatively impact human hearing in the long run. Common sources of noise include vehicular traffic, factories involved in the manufacturing process, and home appliances like vacuum cleaners and music systems. Fast becoming a major environmental issue, noise pollution effects on health have increased rapidly in the last few years.
Noise pollution effects on human health is a matter of great concern. The reason being the adverse consequences that high noise levels have on human health. Noise pollution can affect us in several ways, some of which are listed below:
Hearing Problems: Exposure to noise can damage one of the most vital organs of the body, the ear. Hearing impairment due to noise pollution can either be temporary or permanent. When the sound level crosses the 70dB mark, it becomes noise for the ear. Noise levels above 80 decibels produce damaging effects to the ear. When ear is exposed to extreme loud noise (above 100 decibels) for a considerable period of time, it can cause irreparable damage and lead to permanent hearing loss.
Cardiovascular Issues: A noisy environment can be a source of heart related problems. Studies have shown that high intensity sound cause a dramatic rise in blood pressure as noise levels constrict the arteries, disrupting the blood flow. The heart rate (the number of heartbeats per minute) also increase. These sudden abnormal changes in the blood increase the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases in the long run. Read more on cardiovascular diseases.
Sleep Disturbances: This is one of the noise pollution effects that can deter your overall well being. Noise can interrupt a good night's sleep, and when this occurs, the person feels extremely annoyed and uncomfortable. People deprived of uninterrupted sleep show a sharp dip in their energy levels which often results into extreme fatigue. This can considerably decrease a person's ability to work efficiently.
Interference in Verbal Communication: A noisy environment that produces more than 50-60 decibels simply does not allow 2 people to communicate properly. Interpreting the speech of a second person becomes quite difficult and may lead to misunderstandings.
Mental Health Problems: Exposure to loud sound can lead to elevated stress levels as well as stimulate violent behavior. A constant noise in the vicinity can also trigger headaches, make people tense and anxious, and disturb emotional balance.
Source: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/noise-pollution-effects.html
Escrito por Laura Robles el 8 de Noviembre.
The sonic pollution alters the normal conditions of the environment of a certain space, this type of pollution refers to the "Noise".
The acoustic pollution beside concerning the ear(hearing) can provoke negative psychological effects like it they are: Insomnia, fatigue, stress. Also psychopathologycal effects like it are: Expansion of the pupils, respiratory agitation, acceleration of the pulse, headache between(among) many(many people) more.
What it is necessary to apply to avoid this type of pollution, is to elaborate procedure that they entrust of the protection of the environment against the excess of the noise and to deepen the topic in order that they observe the negative consequences that come to do very serious for the life of the human being and likewise to be able been aware.
I think the noise pollution or noise, is a type of uncontrolled pollution, which is caused by an excessive and annoying noise, whose origin comes from human activities such as industrial, social and transport, which may lead, the decline in the quality of work, stress, aggression, impaired heart rate, increased blood pressure, various hormonal disorders, increased breathing rate, digestive and intestinal disorders, the possibility of any hearing loss; these are some examples of possible conditions when exposed for long periods at high and annoying sounds.
When noise is too high or people are aurally sensitive, they can also cause depressions and sleep problems. In general, an internal or external environment is considered contaminated by noise as the sound exposure causes discomfort exists there proven health risks, natural resources or the environment in general.
In either case you can visit this page
Realizado por Dafherlym Briceño
The noise pollution also originates in urban areas where there are larger populations. Here, when the greatest noise pollution by the fact that there is more human activity, making many movements of cars, transportation, sound equipment, musical events of great exaggeration, the noise of the motorcycles, trains, and the activities causing noise construction. For example, in Caracas these people manifested in severe stress, bad mood, disrupts sleep causing fatigue, prevents the concentration and learning for students and impaired mental ability and "disease on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as medioambientelimpio . nireblog.com."
Every day we hear a variety of sounds that are too strong or those who are exposed for long periods can damage hearing and we must raise awareness that noise is a risk factor for our health. We must take preventive measures so that everyone contributes in reducing demand on the noise levels if necessary.
People living in cities tend to suffer more on noise pollution from cars, motorcycles, sellers who do listen to their music. Causing noise to all inhabitants and causing stress in the population.
elaborate by Lidia Bacilio
Certainly the noise pollution has been increasing significantly since the time of the industrial revolution by the use of machinery in the work of man, as a means to facilitate and streamline these acti,vities, but without considering the effects that this occurs affecting health and daily life of the population. The companies have not made aware of the problem is the noise pollution by the fact that it is not visual but are manifest in living beings when it has generated health damage.
I agree with this, I think noise pollution is a cause of concern among the population of cities, as it affects the quality of life of the people. Noise can cause adverse health effects either psychological and social disorders, and behavior of man. The increase in noise levels has grown disproportionately in recent decades, which can be seen in the behavior of people, besides the noise pollution, other factors.The consequences of this pollution is similar to the sensation caused by fear and tension. Some of them are:
Increased heart rate, respiratory rate changes, muscle tension, blood pressure, skin resistance, acuity of vision. These effects are not permanent, they disappear with cessation of the noise. Although they can cause nervousness associated states, there is evidence that may affect mental health.
I got the following information:
Society has attempted to regulate noise since the early days of the Romans, who by decree prohibited the movement of chariots in the streets at night. In the United States, communities since colonial days have enacted ordinances against excessive noise, primarily in response to complaints from residents. It was not until the late 1960s, however, that the federal government officially recognized noise as a pollutant and began to support noise research and regulation. Federal laws against noise pollution included the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, especially sections concerning environmental impact statements; the Noise Pollution and Abatement Act of 1970; and the Noise Control Act of 1972, which appointed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to coordinate federal research and activities in noise control.
Charged with developing federal noise-emission standards, identifying major sources of noise, and determining appropriate noise levels that would not infringe on public health and welfare, the EPA produced its so-called Levels Document, now the standard reference in the field of environmental noise assessment. In the document, the EPA established an equivalent sound level (Leq) and a day–night equivalent level (Ldn) as measures and descriptors for noise exposure. Soon thereafter, most federal agencies adopted either the Leq, Ldn, or both, including levels compatible with different land uses. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) uses Ldn as the noise descriptor in assessing land-use compatibility with various levels of aircraft noise. In 1978 the research findings of Theodore J. Schultz provided support for Ldn as the descriptor for environmental noise. Analyzing social surveys, Schultz found a correlation between Ldn and people who were highly annoyed by noise in their neighborhoods. The Schultz curve, expressing this correlation, became a basis for noise standards.
As part of its effort to identify major noise sources in the United States, the EPA set about determining the degree to which noise standards could contribute to noise reduction. During the 1970s, EPA-sponsored research on major noise sources led to regulation of the products that most affected the public, including medium and heavy trucks, portable air compressors, garbage trucks, buses, and motorcycles. Missing from the list was aircraft, which was considered the responsibility of the FAA. During the administration of President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, the power of the EPA and its Office of Noise Abatement and Control was curtailed and most of its noise regulations rescinded. Even so, efforts continued to curb noise pollution. The Department of Transportation maintains standards for highways, mass transit, and railroads, as well as aircraft. The environmental review process, mandated by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, remains the single most effective deterrent to noise pollution.
I consider this important publication because it somehow does not obey the laws of any government and we are the most affected, sometimes not contribute in this type of contamination.
Kryter, Karl D. The Handbook of Hearing and the Effects of Noise: Physiology, Psychology, and Public Health. San Diego, Calif.: Academic Press, 1994.
Saenz, A. Lara, and R. W. B. Stephens, eds. Noise Pollution: Effects and Control. New York: Wiley, 1986.
Schultz, Theodore J. "Synthesis of Social Surveys on Noise Annoyance, " Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 64 (August 1978): 377–405.
I find this article very informative and interesting, it lets us know about something we probably didn't know or that we found totally unimportant, this kind of pollution is mainly found, of course, in cities, I found fascinating the fact about it leading to animals extinctions and about how bats avoid noisy places about this.
Noise pollution produces a lot o diseases. it affects not just human beings, olso animals. Noise is not related to humans noises, Environment generates noises too. This article shows us the importance of the environment´s preservation. We must pay attention of what we are doing and watch out of it. I think the must important affection what its produced by Noise is tachycardia. The noise pollution affects animal develop, I mean, is not just the sleeping disturbing, Bats Owls and some others can´t hunt in noising places. The Urban Increasing develop generates disturbing noises too,so I hope that we can be concient about it and try to reduce it.
Increases in the density of residential and commercial buildings, more traffic on the roads, and out-dated building regulations are all contributing to serious noise pollution in our cities.
Noise is an inescapable part of modern life. Traffic on the road, low-flying aircraft, dogs barking, lawn mowers, and music blaring are some of the noises polluting our cities.
Noise originates in all sorts of ways, but, in general, increasing noise pollution is primarily the result of the increasing population of cities. More people mean more road, rail and air traffic, more industrial noise, and more neighbourhood and recreational noise.
A contributing factor to the rise of noise pollution is the increase in high- to medium-density housing. People are leaving the traditional quarter-acre block in the suburbs and moving into apartments, town houses and converted warehouses in the central and inner city areas.
The government should take responsibility in areas such as aircraft noise and emission standards for new motor vehicles is important have an environment protection agency regulates environmental noise in each State to improve our quality of life.
Sound is an important part of everyday life: for communication, for enjoyment or for alerting us to danger. But when sound becomes noise, we like to know there are regulations protecting us from its harmful effects.
Ricardo Pereira
Noise pollution, are all those annoying noises the human ear becomes aware at any time and place. This does bother people, so much so that until they get sick.
As we all know stress is a very famous these days, the noise produced by the horns of cars stuck in traffic makes people feel confused and increase the stress, just as does neighbor noise listen to music without also measuring the volume and large industries with their processing machines contribute to loud noises.
It seems that the noise was something harmless and simple but the reality is that may affect our health and that of others.
In this situation some people live far from the big cities do not have to endure this kind of situation that is uncomfortable. But if there is no way to change residence, is always a good option to take a vacation, camping or relaxing on a beach or visit the mountains and feel a little calm.
By: Ismary Marín.....!
Karla Rodriguez say:
I think the noise is first problems of the human poblation, because it has provoked harmful effect in the men healt and the men bahaviour.
The first cause of noise pollution is: the use of cars, discotheque, industry, garage industrial and itinerant vendor.
The consequence is: loss of audition, increase of heart rate and mental illness, sickness gastrointestinal and stress.
Wow It is amazing what the noise pollution can do in animal and people. I had not idea that noise can affect our organism and animal’s feeding and breading.
Nowadays, the noise pollution is the less take it in mind. All the noises around us, we take for granted. New generation are used to hear music loudly, they do not care about their hearing and health. Due to we live in a big city, we can find noise pollution produced by cars, loud music, outdoor events, and industries among others.
It is important to realise that many people is afectecd by noise, like elderly and sick people, and we to take in mind their needs.
The Noise hampers the life together and the communication among people, so go down the volume, listen the nature, listen to yourself and make the difference.
This term closely is related to the noise because this occurs when the noise is considered as a polluting agent, that is to say, an annoying sound that can produce physiological and psychological injurious effects for a person or group of people. The main causes of the acoustic contamination are those related to the human activities like the transport, the public construction of buildings and works, the industries, among others. Noise pollution however is a growing environmental problem - it's far from just being an annoyance as it has very real negative effects on humans and animals.
this produce:Effects psychopathological, Effects on the conduct, Psychological effects, Effects on the dream, Effects in the memory, etc
Eyemberg Daniel Ortega
The main cause of noise pollution is human activity, transportation, building construction and public works, industry, among others. The effects of noise can be physiological, such as hearing loss, and psychological, such as excessive irritability, sleep disturbances or decreased mental ability to concentrate.
The noise disturbs the various community activities, interfering acoustic communication, disrupting sleep, rest and relaxation, preventing concentration and learning, and what is worse, creating states of fatigue and stress which can lead to diseases such nervous and cardiovascular systems.
In pollution of the water some inorganic pollutions take part,such as acid, salts an toxic metals. also we find the pollutant agents of diseases, there are bacterias, virus, protozoos and parasites, that enter. the sistems acantillados and the residues are not treated.
the water aldo can be contaminated by a series of organic, such compounds as the oil, plastic and the pesticides, which belong harmful to the human being, and all the plants and the animals in the water.
usually the thain noice is not usually recognized as serious nuisance in the opinion surveys on the impact of noice pollution on the population-spaniards la a although this perception may vary with the commissioning of the thai of high. the introduction of the ave can cause noice. polletion, as the mayor inconvenience of this medium are those that occuras a result of razami to the wheels with rails, increases with speed and these complaints are especially intense when the train crosses bridges or other structures that produce an extension noice
The noise pollution is a problem that many people ignore, perhaps not so remarkable in the environment but if it affects the quality of life of people. The man now, with the help of technology has expanded the number of housing developments and industries, as the article says, this has influenced the generation noise.
It is for this reason that human activities are the main cause of noise pollution, transport, industry and building construction and civil engineering are some of the actions of man that cause this pollution.
The body of humans and animals is sensitive to noise, so the noise pollution can cause major damage to it. For the prevention of noise pollution is primarily necessary information campaigns to let people know the problem and the consequences it can have on your health, and then working with actions to reduce noise.
Marbelis González
I think that the noise pollution is a global warming factor, because is another form to contaminate the environment. But this problem is attacked less. For example, a lot of persons hear music very loud and nobody tells them that is bad because damage the environment, probably this people don't believe that this contamination type is true. Also, the noise from the cars, trucks, the factories, concerts, and a large etc makes a little but a constant contamination.
We should put the same attention in the noise pollution than the attention we put in other factors that made true the global warming.
Another type of pollution that are not control in the XXI century is the noise pollution, which is caused by a noise produced by industrial activities, social and of transport, this can cause disconfort, irritability, insomnia, partial hearing loss in the people.
The greater intensity of noise is registered in areas where there is abundant population concentration, such as the zone urban and industrial.
The human ear can only stand certain maximum noise levels; however that accumulate is in the central regions of the city repeatedly surpass that maximum. Some noise of the city are above the "threshold of pain". (Above 120dB).These noise become part of the noise pollution of a city and should be retricted and controlled by the authorities.
The noise pollution come up with the appearance of man on the planet. There are three sources of noise generation. These are:
* Natural sources: noise where no human hands involved, such as thunder, volcanic eruptions,blizzards, waterfalls...
* Stacionary sources like industrial equipment and machinery, equipment and domestic device..
* Mobile sources, noise from motors vehiclesand airplanes, automobiles, trains, motocycles..
Today environmental problems are generated mainly by pollution, which is defined as "undesirable change in the physical, chemical or biological air, water or soil can adversely affect the health, survival or the activities of humans or other living organisms "(Henry J. Glyn, Gary W. Heinke, Environmental Engineering, Printice Hall, Mexico 1999).
The types of pollution is the noise pollution, which "is characterized by the increase in the number and volume of noise nuisance and harmful to human health" (Ministry of Defense of Venezuela). Because of this problem can lead to problems of human health such as hearing problems. The people most affected by these problems mainly are those who live near major highways and avenues.
In the case of Caracas are many people who are disturbed by the noise pollution from cars, as in the case of people living near the highway Francisco de Miranda.
But the only way to pollute sonically is not with the noise of the cars but also with the music at high volume. This happens very often, as humans we get used to listening to loud music, without considering the consequences of our actions.
The noise pollution can cause "physiological effects such as fatigue Hearing professionals and acoustic trauma. The psychophysiological effects include loss of sleep, decreased work performance, accidents, stress and aggression "(Ministry of Defense of Venezuela).
The greater intensity of noise that is recorded in areas where there is an abundant concentration of population, such as urban and industrial areas of the country. In Venezuela, the largest urban-industrial concentrations are found in the following areas: North Central: Caracas, Maracay, Valencia, Puerto Cabello and Moron.
Northeast: Maracaibo, Lagunillas, Cabinas, El Tablazo and Punta Cardón.
Northeast: Barcelona, Puerto La Cruz and Cumana Guanta.
East: Maturin and Caripito.
For more information, I recommend visiting the following page: http://www.mindefensa.gov.ve/CURSOS/MATERIAS/GUAR%20AMBIENTAL.htm
Is very good. Is accurate and complete.
This type of contamination is not harmful to the environment nor naturally occurring, toxic contamination has an effect on human health and this case is clearly the fault of man.
I think it's very difficult to avoid this type of contamination as the day to day activities of man as is the traffic, produce much noise and we unfortunately have to expose him to go to work, go for a walk or even in our homes.
For years the noise has become a constant factor pollutant in most cities, assuming now a serious problem with physiological, psychological, economic and social. The main cause of noise pollution is human activity.
Humans have caused this problem, but if each one of us mostly avoid the noise pollution, if we work together we can live in a better world and enjoy all of better health and tranquility.
Is incredible that noise we produce every day with our daily activities can be as counterproductive for us and for other species. Without thinking we are leading to extinction species that have the same right to exist that humans. We are also deteriorating our quality of life and our health with so much noise. The noise pollution is not very popular, because people do not pay enough attention. This attitude is because they do not understand the consequences of this contamination. Many people think that noise pollution is negligible compared to the pollution of air or water. This is a mistake because they do not take into account the amount of disease generated by excessive noise, or the animals it affects.
The noise pollution is one of the most comun problems in the cities and this grow daily with the urban and industrial developmen. We are exposed to noise in any places, airports, stadiums, streets and avenues, malls, etc. This noise pollution affect us of different ways, either preventing sleep, study or concentrate on the job, and all this cause problems in our health y our mood.
In my opinion the way of reduce this is promoting places where people can stay far of noise like library, parks, big gardens, and other places that brings to society quiet moments forgetting the annoying urban noise.
Leonardo Nava.
the noise pollution is one of the most dangerous pollution because it affects the physical side of human beings as the ear, which is a very important sense engine and other parts that make up the human body, as the article industries and urban growth participated in the increase in pollution, because there are industries where people are focused and this in turn brings construction of buildings which causes a lot of noise, also brings cars and machines that cause great noise, this results in difficulty concentrating, restlessness , irritability, sleep disturbances and fatigue. Very good article
Is in general a good article, but i am not agree when it say about sources of noise generators... "Natural Sources: ...thunder, volcanoes, blizzards, cataracts, among others." this isn't noise for me,a catarac or a waterfall is something that can be even relaxing, some people have afraid of thunder, but that doesn`t make it a noise... and a blizzards, i would love to hear the sound of a snow storm. it can't be consider a natural sourcer a generator of noise pollutions, because the nature is making that sound, and the enviroment and the animals are use to that sound, is part of the enviroment itself.
But the rest of the article is great.
From my point of view of noise pollution is pollution that can be seen most immediately, as this affects one of the five senses that humans have (hearing), we could also say that the noise pollution is not a sound as such, but rather a noise (sound annoying). This has been a long time problem, since all human activity produces sound, and in turn, this causes excessive adverse effects on human health, as well as physiological and psychological. Noise can be classified by their duration, intensity, regularity, impact, or fluctuation, among other factors. There is natural noise, as produced by volcanic eruptions, violent emanations of the geysers, the flow of a river or the sound of a gull colony, but nevertheless, the major contributors to this pollution is due to man The important thing of all is that man creates for example: cars and machinery that produce less noise every time, so that we contribute to non-pollution without diminishing our lifestyle.
The noise pollution affects concentration and tranquility of all people, besides causing health problems.
The noise appears to be one of the most harmless pollutants because it is perceived primarily by a single sense, hearing, and occasionally it important sound pressure levels, by touch. And mediate their effects are cumulative.
The root causes of noise pollution are, among others, the dramatic increase in the fleet, the fact that cities were not designed to withstand transportation, industrial activities, public works and construction services cleaning and garbage collection, sirens and alarms, as well as play and recreational activities, among them, the growing proliferation of bottles in urban areas.
For more information please visit the following page:http://www.unex.es/sociolog/mas/alumnos/ruido/index.html
noise pollution or noise, is caused by a noise caused by industrial activities, social and transport, which can cause discomfort, irritability, insomnia, hearing loss, etc..
It's called noise pollution noise pollution of the environment. While the noise does not accumulate, moved or maintained over time as the other pollutants, can also cause extensive damage to the quality of life of people and the environment if not controlled.
The term noise refers to noise, defined as excessive or annoying sound that can be caused by human activities (traffic, industry, entertainment, etc..) And negative effect on hearing health, physical and mental people and animals.
An annoying sound can produce physiological and psychological harm to a person or group of people. The main causes of noise pollution are those related to human activities such as transportation, building construction and public works, industry, among others.
The human ear can only withstand certain maximum noise levels, however the level that accumulates in the central regions of the city repeatedly exceeds that maximum. Some sounds of the city are above the "pain threshold" (approximately 120 dB). These sounds become part of the noise of a city and should be restricted and controlled by the authorities.
The main cause of noise pollution is human activity, transportation, building construction and public works, industry, among others. The effects of noise can be physiological, such as hearing loss, and psychological, such as excessive irritability, sleep disturbances or decreased mental ability to concentrate.
The noise disturbs the various community activities, interfering acoustic communication, disrupting sleep, rest and relaxation, preventing concentration and learning, and what is worse, creating states of fatigue and stress which can lead to diseases such nervous and cardiovascular systems.
The noise generated in the environment, either by the known noise or whatever, can generate different kinds of problems for people who are repeatedly exposed to it. Typical symptoms of major cities, this is becoming gradually a major problem that is far more serious than those that might think.
As the noise problems a big factor, such as reduced school performance and occupational accidents, and antisocial behavior, especially because of nerves and stress, it is advisable that you take basic precautions such as:
If you live in an area where you are very exposed to constant noise (whatever the source is producing it) is ideal to have your house acustizada. Or at least have well covered the walls with curtains and objects that isolate exterior noise.
Do not expose yourself to constant, repetitive sounds. If in your work, for example, must live with, then use it in your ear plugs or something to cushion the impact of sound waves on your eardrums.
Do not underestimate the importance of this problem. Remítete the box above and examines the consequences of always being exposed to noise pollution.
The noise doubtless alters the normal conditions of the environment being this danger for the physical and mental health of the people. Of the three generating sources I consider that most detrimental they are the one of point caused by the industries and the moving bodies caused by vehicles and others. At the moment many industries take safety measures using diverse auditory protectors following the degree or intensity of the noise which is moderate in dB; also acoustic barriers implement to avoid that much noise to the outside escapes.
The noise in the street is caused more than everything by the automobiles. For example, when there is a tail and the conductors begin to touch bugle and to produce uncomfortable noises without concerning the effect to them that they cause on the people. The noise in excess I could cause in the people the bad humor, lack concentration, tachycardia, headache, insomnia, fatigue, stress, hysteria, acceleration of the pulse, etc. Apparently this contamination will continue being increased if preventive measures are not taken, because nowadays there is much demand of vehicles. This contamination is stronger in urban zones, since it is where the greater human activity takes place, and where are the industries, it transports and diverse factors that generate excess noise.
The noise pollution is very harmful to humanity in the field of industrialization, because if we went into an environment which does not meet standards in terms of industrial safety is concerned, there are people who will suffer hearing impairment short and medium term, depending on the level of noise pollution in which this exposed, so it is helpful to implement security policies and industry to protect the physical integrity of workers in a particular company.
Sorry for the delay
This topic performs supreme importance in the personal thing due to the fact that I humanize the ear only it can support certain maximum levels of noise, and his effects are translated in physiological and psychological hurts harmful to the persons.
It is common that in our city caracas the level of noise that is accumulated in repeated occasions overcomes this maximum level, over the " Threshold of the pain ". (Over the 120 dB.), for the presence of activities generators of noise, since: the transport, the construction of buildings and public works, the industries, between others.
These noises happen to form a part of the acoustic pollution and it is basic to try to reduce this degenerative process by means of his restriction and control on the part of the authorities and of us themselves since we are the principal persons in charge of this type of pollution since the effects produced by the noise can be the loss of hearing, and the exaggerate irritability. As well as also he interferes in the oral communication of the persons, disturbs the dream, the rest and the easing, the concentration and the learning prevents, and what is more serious, creates conditions of weariness and tension that can degenerate into diseases of nervous and cardiovascular type.
The sonic pollution is a very important issue and that is good to find articles about it , is highly damaging and affects most living things but we do not realize there are different types , some more harmful than others , but anyway all affect us . It has many effects on human health and many consequences , so it is important to be informed .
Willmary Canónico
This type of contamination can cause problems for society published as diseases and problems of attention and concentration to humans, causing those affected can not meet their day to day activities. Here's an article in spanish to see that such diseases are those that can happen to people.
This article is important because it tells us that noise pollution is an environmental crime either in an environment, inside or outside, it is considered contaminated by noise when there existing noise exposure, causes proven inconvenience, health risks, damage to goods (loss of value of private property), natural resources or the environment in general.
IS INTERESTING INFORMATION , since noise pollution is an increasingly worrisome problem , it seems that is not given due importance , nor the means are provided to eliminate the problem. This contamination is a risk to the health of children and adversely affects their learning. It is important to have peace and health, this can be accomplished through a plan of information to help really know what the noise harms our health.
Noise pollution over time is one of the main problems in our communities, because without being visible, noise disturbs human activities causing stress states and in some cases of fatigue which can lead to cardiovascular diseases and the nervous system., where the effects of noise can cause hearing loss, sleep disorder, etc.
The main cause of noise pollution is human activity, however inadvertently using machines to facilitate and expedite the construction of buildings, public works industries, among others, cause effects disturb the health of the population.
sound pollution has become a problem now that seems to have no solution, the current growth of our society has only compounded this problem by creating a highly noisy society which interferes with the lives of all living beings
is disturbing to note that despite the problem of all any government in the world has shown worried or in process of seeking a solution to this problem.
This is an importan issue because we can not control noise pollution no matter how many laws we create or how many controls we put in practice, there is noise wherever you go because the human beings are not worry about it, only a few percent of people are fighting againts this problem and it´s really a conscient problem, if we think about each other we can take some considerations and reduce the amount of noise we are generating. We are the mayor part of the solution.
I found very interesting your article , I think most of us are aware of the noise that comes from industry and transport, besides its physical consequences , but most do not think about the psychological consequences and how are you affect us .
This article is very good, because it talks about noise pollution is my nosiva for humans, because it affects psychologically and physically directamenta. also is an identified these taxpayer to the extinction of some species, factors therefore we must give talks to people to make consencia the damage it can cause to the environment.
This article is related to the noise because this occurs when noise is considered a pollutant, the main causes of noise pollution are those related to human activities such as transport, public construction of buildings and works, industries, other. and allows us to see how the damage is not only the ear but also q affects us in other ways
Many people do not know how important it can be silence, in Caracas especially in popular areas is common to hear many sound equipment turned on simultaneously, with different music, disturbing the peace and tranquility of the people who live there. It is important to implement measures to prevent such situations keep happening, create awareness campaigns so that people understand that it is harmful and that this pollution also has implications for their health.
It is good to know what is the meaning of noise pollution, which can be defined as a noise rejected by the human ear that tend to our life. This pollution also originates in urban areas where there are larger populations, which therefore tends to be noise of cars, equipment sounds that come from homes or a musical event with excessive volume, among other generating sources. Such situations are those that cause discomfort at some point the people of the city, producing them stress, moodiness, fatigue, and lack of concentration in terms of study and work. You should be aware of this and employ measures to prevent this from happening in our environment continue.
Article of noise pollution ; this very complete ; optionally as sources of noise generators and they produce side effects such as tachycardia ; increases blood pressure ; difficulty concentrating and fatigue, noise pollution is considered by most of the population of large cities as an important environmental factor , which affects the main way in their quality of life
Another important aspect that is a risk factor for learning in children. The main causes of noise pollution are those related to human activities such as transport ; civil works.
Yajaira Lazo dice:
It is to emphasize the importance of the article, as it describes the importance of noise pollution, in which all the consequences concerning noise pollution falls as well as this represents a risk factor in health parameters, and this is greatly affected both adults and children.
david hernàndez comments: Noise pollution is an unwanted that disrupts the normal coexistence sound, three generators noise sources that are natural, mobile and static, the article refers to this contamination occur, it can seriously affect body health, as the concentration in adults and young people, equally noteworthy that noise pollution affects the lives of some animals, both feeding and reproduction, contributing to the extinction of some species.
The noise pollution is an annoyning problem that perturb our peace daily. We must create different plans to attack this problem so we can return and live everyday in complete peace.
Noise pollution is one of the worst consecuence of human activities, the growth of cities contribues to this problem. The noise pollution not only affects the ear, all the human body seems to be affected by this important problem, the health of humans and animal are in danger. For geographers is an element to considered in future proyects, the areas with more noise pollution they can be mapped and related to other factors that affect a given area,proposing solutions to the problem
It is important to know that pollution may also be created through sounds, and how much this affects the health of those causing various dangerous diseases that usually know their cause and blame different factors. It may even be highly detrimental to society, creating environments that children grow up with concentration problems doing there accidents. It is also important to prevent noise pollution affects to the fauna, since this causes imbalance in the environment and therefore on the planet. We must try to avoid noise pollution-saturated environments, and avoid cause them.
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