According to the American College Dictionary, pollution is defined as: “to make foul or unclean; dirty”. Water pollution occurs when a body of water is adversely affected due to the addition of large amounts of materials to the water. When it is unfit for its intended use, water is considered polluted. There are several classes of water pollutants. The first are disease-causing agents. These are bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasitic worms that enter sewage systems and untreated waste. A second category of water pollutants is oxygen-demanding wastes; wastes that can be decomposed by oxygen-requiring bacteria. When large populations of decomposing bacteria are converting these wastes it can deplete oxygen levels in the water. This causes other organisms in the water, such as fish, to die. A third class of water pollutants is water-soluble inorganic pollutants, such as acids, salts and toxic metals. Large quantities of these compounds will make water unfit to drink and will cause the death of aquatic life.
Another class of water pollutants are nutrients; they are water-soluble nitrates and phosphates that cause excessive growth of algae and other water plants, which deplete the water's oxygen supply. This kills fish and, when found in drinking water, can kill young children. Water can also be polluted by a number of organic compounds such as oil, plastics and pesticides, which are harmful to humans and all plants and animals in the water. A very dangerous category is suspended sediment, because it causes depletion in the water's light absorption and the particles spread dangerous compounds such as pesticides through the water. Finally, water-soluble radioactive compounds can cause cancer, birth defects and genetic damage and are thus very dangerous.
The Water is the most important for every human being, resource for each living organism that inhabits our planet. It’s important to create environmental awareness in the new generations in order to preserve, because without this resource not have life on our planet.
For more information, see this link
52 comentarios:
Very good entry. concrete and with really structured ideas that identify the different sort of water pollutants and the chaos they are causing to life.
I think you all can establish you viewpoint about it and maybe write any web address for the rest to search if they want to.
The next topic deals with: “NOISE POLLUTION” Definition, causes, effects, etc and obviously your complete opinion about it.
To start with, here you are these two useful links for you to make your personal comments.
The next topic deals with: “NOISE POLLUTION” Definition, causes, effects, how can we avoid it and obviously your complete opinion about it.
Today, humans do not appreciate, nor contribute to the care and improvement of the water.
Water is one of the best resources that nature provides. It is a wonderful liquid as it allows the welfare of society. Through it we cover many needs. Without water really could not live, is essential for living things. And yet we pollute it without any consideration. We have no awareness of the importance of this liquid. The water is kind to humanity, as it gives us many options for use, and we simply pollute and hence destroyed. I really do not care if the man is guilty or not of this serious problem or whether directly or indirectly generate water pollution, the important thing is to solve this problem.
For humans it must acquire a new vision with regard to this essential liquid. Some people believe that to solve the problem is much needed investment of time, effort and money. But I think that not all the ways to contribute to the improvement of water are so difficult to comply, however the key element is having the desire to succeed. My recommendation to you and to me is that:
1. We enlighten the great value of water.
2. I want to help the environment, particularly contaminated water.
3. Finn's simple and convenient way to participate in treatment or improvement of polluted water. For example: When we go to the beach, normally accustomed to throw garbage on these waters. Starting today, every time we go to the beach pledge to do so. OK.
4. Let us keep this spirit of struggle in terms of polluted waters. This means that our work is not just for today or tomorrow but for the longest time.
However, there are more scientific and precise treatments to treat contaminated water, which can be known by visiting the following link:
No doubt, the water pollution is the most serious problems for living organisms in terms of health and its link with quality of life. No environment can develop without it, no human, plant or animal developed achieved without this vital liquid. All biomes and ecosystems depend on their use and proper use and as for it is man who harms them more, making the ecosystem gradually destroyed. Some of the consequences of water pollution are:
Pollution disrupts the natural food chain as well. Pollutants such as lead and cadmium are eaten by tiny animals. Later, these animals are consumed by fish and shellfish, and the food chain continues to be disrupted at all higher levels.
Eventually, humans are affected by this process as well. People can get diseases such as hepatitis by eating seafood that has been poisoned.
Ecosystems can be severely changed or destroyed by water pollution. Many areas are now being affected by careless human pollution, and this pollution is coming back to hurt humans.
In the prevention against water related diseases, protection of the water resource and the environment
occupy a place of first choice, primarily controllable by the hygiene of the medium.
The fight against water pollution requires permanent efforts on behalf of the various institutions such
as health and hydraulics. The studies carried out show that it is possible to reduce these diseases, by
the settlement of a wide and continuous campaign against water related diseases throughout the year,
and to increase alertness during the periods of higher risk generally related to the drought. The
problem must be dealt with at the source, while preserving and taking care of the quality of water
throughout its course.
The settlement of simple measures at the beginning can lead to a noticeable reduction of epidemics
and morbidity by water related diseases.
Source: http://library.thinkquest.org/26026/Environmental_Problems/water_pollution_-_effects.html
Escrito por Laura Robles el 8 de Noviembre.
The pollution of the water originates when any natural or human activity modifies the natural conditions of the water. The processes of natural pollution are inevitable for the forces of the nature and the real worry comes given by the human pollution that is capable of altering and transforming the aquatic means very unfavorably, spilling toxic and not toxic residues that make the process of recycling impossible.
What is not born in mind is that the water is vital and indispensable for the development and increase of all the alive(vivacious) beings (human beings, animals and plants(floors)).
Some measures to avoid the pollution of vallued liquid and to diminish the number of diseases that can take place(be produced) are:
1-Across legal mechanisms, which prevent that the tailing of the factories go to rivers or other sources(fountains) of water.
2-The managing of the garbage is another pollution source, then it is necessary from investigation(research) for the use of material tailing and use organic material in production of credits(subscriptions) for the agriculture.
3-To prohibit the transport of toxic substances in the sea.
4-Evitar spillages of crude oil in marine waters.
elaborated for: ELIANNIS ALIENDRES
From my point of view, water pollution is the result of mismanagement that human beings have bodies of water. Since water is the universal fluid environment for living matter, it is exceptionally prone to contamination by living organisms, including those that cause disease in humans and soluble organic and inorganic matter.
It's easy to tell, by taste, smell and appearance of water that is contaminated, but the presence of hazardous contaminants can only be detected by chemical and biological tests specific and accurate.
Among the factors that cause pollution and characterize the industrial civilization are: increased production and excessive energy consumption, growth in the metallurgical industry, the growth in road traffic, air and water, and the growth of the quantity garbage and debris that are thrown and / or incinerated.
Also the water of the seas and rivers has been used traditionally as a means of disposal of human waste and the biological cycles of water reabsorption ensure these recyclable organic waste. But today, they are not only these organic wastes which are dumped into rivers and seas and waste but larger amounts of harmful chemicals that destroy plant and animal life aquatic, and nullify or exceed the action of bacteria and algae in the process of biodegradation of organic pollutants and chemicals from the water.
Thus, for maintaining a treatment in water bodies is necessary to sensitize all people, from children to the oldest, because the water belongs to everyone, and if we destroy ourselves, we will be destroying any live on the planet.
visit the page:
People are not aware of the environment mainly by water, the same is vital for the planet because we live in an era of new technologies and social changes, but this time there is something that remains unchanged is that living things need water to live. Today much of that water is contaminated.
The causes range from small papers thrown into rivers to fly-tipping of these consequences can be as brutal as the destruction of an ecosystem.
As we all know water is an essential ingredient for biodiversity and more to us humans and that keeps us alive and healthy, we can be more aware of conserving water and not pollute it with waste harmful to her. Remember, clean water is for the welfare of our society and the biodiversity that surrounds us.
prepared by Lidia Bacilio
I agree the definition of pollution proposed in the article “to make foul or unclean; dirty”. is so simple as that. In water pollution are two types:
• Point sources discharge pollutants at specific locations through pipes and culverts. Eg factories, plants, sewage treatment, mining, oil wells, etc..
• Nonpoint sources are large areas of land that discharge pollutants into water over a wide area. Example: Dumping of chemicals, agricultural land, livestock grazing lots, buildings, septic tanks.
As we know there are several ways to prevent water pollution but the human being is not aware of this causes great damage to the ecosystem, we know that only one percent is drinkable water in some years and that wars will not be by sources of oil but by the precious liquid like water that gives life so we are in time to prevent and reduce spoilage ... ..
Water pollution is one of the most severe environmental problems facing the world, because water is the vital element for life on the planet, in addition to the fresh water is below 5% of total water so it is an exhaustible resource.
Today the societies have become aware of it and have implemented in most countries saving precious resource, but not sufficient measure. As regards in my opinion the solution is that people more aware of the importance and reliance that we have water.
Carlos García
From my new point, i can say the water pollution is an existential problem in the world as it is a major source of life on earth.Among the many consequences of the pollution that man proposes to water from lakes, rivers and seas, I can highlight:Disappearance of marine life and destruction of aquatic ecosystems, because of the extreme toxicity of industrial waste.Generation diseases in human populations, such as hepatitis, cholera and dysentery.Adverse effects on the development of species and the difficulties in reproduction, as well as deadly diseases like cancer.Groundwater seepage from landfills or toxic waste buried, pollution of fresh water for human consumption precluding their use, hence decrease in recreational activities, the production of food raw material, etc. ..Strong poisoning effect on species belonging to other ecosystems due to water consumption or total lack of it.
many speak of the pollution of water, but nobody does emphasis on groundwater are also affected, of course, as they are not conspicuous, are not given full attention but also at great risk with respect to the environment. For this reason I take to seek information about inciativca this point and I publish it here:
Surface water and groundwater are the two main categories in this debate. Most of the media’s attention on how to stop water pollution has traditionally been given over to surface water, since as its name indicates, it is the most noticeable.
Groundwater accounts for most of the world’s drinking water. Water pollution in China has become a huge concern, since groundwater constitutes about 70% of their drinking water on average, not to mention 40% of the water used for crop irrigation. To put it bluntly, a lot of groundwater ends up in peoples’ bodies one way or another.
And in places like China, a healthy economy comes first and healthy drinking water comes second. Amazingly, 90% of China’s cities have heavily contaminated groundwater. Although the government has tried to downplay this alarming fact by claiming that 63% of it is still suitable for drinking, people who live close to industrial areas suffer constant diarrhea.
Sources of water pollution are often extremely dangerous, especially in countries like China that don’t have sufficient regulation. For example many inhabitants of Daciluo Village, just outside of Beijing, have gotten violently sick from their murky greenish water. Daciluo’s wells were drilled from groundwater aquifers just below the surface.
Those aquifers had been badly contaminated by a nearby zinc-plating factory. The Chinese government shut down the zinc-plating plant after the international community got involved, but most companies get away without so much as a slap on the wrist.
Even though we may not live in China, everyone has a vested interest in finding out how to stop water pollution from continuing its planet-wide ravages. Every day, our water sources become a little more corrupted, until we too may share the fate of the Daciluo villagers with their monthly cramps and indigestion, not to mention birth defects and disease.
Raw sewage flows into the United States from rivers that run through Mexico. Shell Oil is paying $1 million in damages for severe water pollution in Puerto Rico. Livestock waste and industrial byproducts run into water sources of every kind, among other things causing disease and the closure of thousands of beaches every year.
Modern technology has shown us that nightmarish sources of water pollution are everywhere and the time has come to act, because clean drinking water is decreasing worldwide and it is feared population growth may soon cause worldwide drought and potential famine.
We need to shake off our sense of complacency and revise our infrastructure as well as our attitudes, so that the next generation can enjoy water free of pollution.
© 2009 News & Articles On Air, Land And Water Pollution Causes, Effects And Solutions
Water is one, if not the most important thing we have on the planet, and yet people don't realize this, we need to learn how to use and protect this precious element, it's a vital element, without it we wouldn't survive, we have to take this into consideration because if we lose it, it would be nearly impossible for humanity to survive, many developed countries recycle water because of this, it's kind of hard for some people to understand this, because they either take it as a joke or because they think the ocean is big enough to last us a while, but these people don't know that salt water isn't optimal for human use and what we do have left to consume is very, very little, this is why we need to take care of water.
I think that the must important resourse of earth is water becuase we depended of it, water is so important for human beings and sea animals. But what we can do for reduce it? Why we everyday adding pollution agents to water? I hope that we must be conscient and watch out of that, we can not keep doing this (pollutioning)because limit our lives in future, water is important to us as air that we breath
Fine partners, very good job, i agree with your opinion, in other words, we all need clean water. People need it to grow crops and to operate factories, and for drinking and recreation. Fish and wildlife depend on it to survive.
Many different pollutants can harm our rivers, streams, lakes and oceans. The three most common are soil, nutrients and bacteria. Rain washes soil into streams and rivers. The soil can kill tiny animals and fish eggs. It can clog the gills of fish and block light so plants die. Nutrients, often from fertilizers, cause problems in lakes, ponds and reservoirs. Nitrogen and phosphorus make algae grow and can turn water green. Bacteria, often from sewage spills, can pollute fresh or salt water. Is important to be aware and help avoid polluting our waters even more.
Ricardo Pereira
The first cause watter pollution are organic or biology, chemical and physical origin.
The organic or biology origin:
It's to cause for sewer and petroleum industry residue, and to mine coal.
The chemical origin:
It's producing grave lesion in the organism: Plaguicide and fertilizer, detergent, petroleum and his products, head and mercury, it's examples.
The physical origin:
This contaminates can to be the radioactive, the temperature and murky (trash and clay) variation.
Water is the most important resource to life’s development, only the 3% of all the water in the world is sweet and not all is suitable for human consuming, because any kind of pollution, we have 5 pollutions factors that reduced this amount even more. It is incredible the quantity of affected water, so it is mandatory to protect the reservoirs and dams of sweet water.
For other sides, we have been affected for the oceanic-atmospheric phenomenon known as El Niño, it has caused the lack of rain and the level of dams has decreased causing water shortage. This phenomenon is not related with the water pollution but in the same way affected the quantity of water available for all the living beings.
We use water in all our daily routines such as cooking, washing, cleaning, showering, among others. Agriculture and industrial activities also depend on it.
If we, like a responsible society do not make a change, in the future, diseases caused by viruses and bacteries or radiactitivity could rise significantly. Besides, the aquatic flora and fauna will be disappear affecting the ecosystem balance.
Would be impossible to survive without water.
The pollution of the water is intensely promoted by the such pollutant agents as organic impurities, inorganic impurities, and biological impurities,These impurities act arduously in our organism(organisation) giving diverse diseases, besides from a geographical point of view and human could be to generate deterioration of the hydrographic networks affecting pipings, desagues and factors of the daily use, regarding the use soil and of vegetation, intensely it spoils the components of the soil and it was causing the extinction of the vegetation
eyemberg daniel ortega.
The natural water cycle has a great capacity for purification. But this same water reclamation facility, and its apparent abundance, makes it the usual dump where we throw the waste produced by our activities. Pesticides, chemical wastes, heavy metals, radioactive waste, and so on., Are, in greater or lesser amounts, to analyze the waters of the most remote places in the world. Many waters are polluted to the point of making them dangerous for human health and harmful to life.
The degradation of the water is very old and in some places like the mouth of the Nile, there are high levels of pollution for centuries, but has been in this century that this problem has spread to rivers and oceans around the world.
First it was the river port areas of large cities and industrial zones which became dirty sewers, loaded with chemicals, foam and all types of pollutants.With industrialization and economic development, this problem has been shifting to developing countries, while developed countries were produced significant improvements.
It is true that without a natural resource like water the planet has no life or livelihood, how could if humans and animals are in large percentage a system where water is the key element.
In many cases water pollution occurs by natural causes on which there is no time to take preventive measures, but nevertheless if you can avoid this pollution, but then again we have the hand of man as the main cause of this disease, large industries such as when they do not find a better place to empty their waste rather than a body of water. There is also the case of fertilizers which alter the water chemistry as being used this kind of chemicals in the soil, rainfall makes the same run and get deposited in water which may be human consumption. Before acting against the nature people should stop and think that perhaps tomorrow the water reaches your home a contaminated water that can not consume or cause skin reactions. Water is the element that promotes the life and work against them is acting contrary of oneself ...!
By: Ismary Marín...!
Man can not live without water, is a natural resource essential to life of all living things and not be replaced with anything.
The very nature is a source of contamination of soil and dragging vegetation cover due to uncontrolled deforestation. But man, is the main cause of water pollution, since the liquid waste disposal, domestic and industrial solid waste as well as waste, into rivers and other water bodies, results in its deactivation.
Water pollution is the cause of disease and the extinction of many species. And if not stopped in time, the damage will be irreparable, because although there are processes to purify sewage, their level of drinking does not make possibly, eating.
'It is also noteworthy that global warming along with other phenomena caused by it, are causing droughts and if no rain falls in water quantity and all living things are affected.
Water is an important resource should not be wasted and this is everybody's job.
Marbelis González
I agree with the views of my companions respect to the water is an essential element for the development of life in the planet. There is no activity that is not used.
This is resource that satisfy our needs and more and more the humanity require is water to satisfy them. But not everybody have this resource.
The water pollution is caused by human activities, is an important environmental phenomenon. Start is from the first attempts of industrialization, but in this last century has incresed considerably.
The water courses are who suffer the most serious problems of pollution due to domestic and indrustrial waste are dumped into the seas, rivers, lakes produce is the reproduction of toxics seaweeds and danger of life animal. The aquatic animals believe that everything the floating is food the swallow it and die. The birds also confuse it with food, they try to eat them and drown it with they. Also the water pollution represent a health risk for people.
To care this vital resource!
By: Sabrina
The whole pure water comes from the rain, sometimes before coming to the soil it receives his first pollutant load, which substances dissolve, as oxides of sulphur and of nitrogen that turn her into acid rain. Once in the soil, the water passes for the surface and infiltrates towards underground caps. It is the water of run-off, which in the caps and the farms is loaded with pesticides of the excess of nutrients and in the cities it drags products as oil of water, heavy metals and naphtha.
Only the 1% of water is able to the people, if we don't care this resource the humanity would be in a serious trouble.
Cristian Martinez
I think we have more awareness to caring for the water because the water used each day is declining, this means that in a few years the use of water will have to be truly regulated implying a major problem that directly affects the man's life, in economic activities in agriculture and in other important respects.
I think from now we must begin to better manage water use to not waste it on things that really are not necessary, so we could extend a little life we have poteble water and consequently our health and living well.
is very important to remember that water is what keeps them alive at all soil organisms because in many ways contributes to the development and maintenance of the same as it is in the special case of plants which are important because they attend clean the air we breathe.
For years the noise has become a constant factor pollutant in most cities, assuming now a serious problem with physiological, psychological, economic and social. The main cause of noise pollution is human activity.
Humans have caused this problem, but if each one of us mostly avoid the noise pollution, if we work together we can live in a better world and enjoy all of better health and tranquility.
i am agree, we need to create environmental awareness in the new generations in order to preserve the water, usually the people don't realize the important of water, just because it's look like there is a lot, but the potable water is every day harder to find in some place's. The water is so important that a human being can live several weeks without good, but cannot survive more than 3 days without waters, it is say that the third world war it will be the war of the waters and not de oil...
In the school they teach you that the water is a renewable resource, and with that we think that it will never deplete, but that is not true, it is no so easy to clean the water so we can use it again.
I agree with the article and the comments in this entry about the water importance because the water is one of our vital resources and is very important that we worry for keep our rivers, lakes, seas and other water sources free of pollution since we need this vital fluid for many human activities like cook, wash, take a shower, drink, etc. With the water pollution we are exposed to finish with the acuatic life of many animals and plants.
The way for help the world with this problems is save water, avoid throwing waste in sources water, not use our pipes to throw oils, food waste or chemists substances. helping to safe water also we are helping ourselves because we cant live without this and in some years the water will be one of the more desired elements for humans.
Leonardo Nava.
Water is one of the physical elements that are found in the environment in three states, liquid, solid and gaseous, which is vital for the existence of life on this planet and the pollution it is very harmful, it hurts that man does not know how to deal with an awareness that without water life is practically nil. man continues to contaminate rivers and major waterways, thereby reducing potable water consumption and also killing living beings who consume these contaminated waters and the first thing you should be aware the owners of factories and sewage companies, to take measures to decrease so much of the pollution they cause.
Water pollution by waste pipes must be controlled somehow. The local and regional shortage of water is due to increased needs arising from the development of the population. The man used the water for ever more numerous, and their dependence on this element is higher.
The water resource is increasingly appreciated, both for industrial and agricultural household. Its scarcity, especially in arid and semi-arid place it as a top priority for the development of the people: "no water, no life." Since this is essential to understand and preserve this liquid.
The water is the vital element for human life, both for consumption and for performing activities in their daily lives, the main pollutants of this are the materials with microorganisms, and industrial wastes, they take away the oxygen to water ( oxygen depletion), the heat can also be considered a pollutant when the discharge of water used for cooling in factories and power plants raises the temperature of the water that supplies them. The effects of water pollution include those affecting human health. The presence of nitrates (salts of nitric acid) in drinking water can cause a childhood disease that is sometimes fatal. Cadmium in water and discharges from industrial, damaged galvanized pipes, or fertilizer-derived silt can be absorbed by crops, it is ingested in sufficient quantity, the metal can cause acute diarrheal disorder, and injury to the liver and kidneys. It has long been known or suspected hazardous inorganic substances such as mercury (discharge in the rivers for gold), arsenic and lead, water pollution not only harms marine species, but disadvantage humans, as in activities such as fishing and prevents tourism in those areas. It is necessary for humans to realize the importance of water for our life, and not to seek the most economically profitable solutions, a clear example: El Río Güaire.
Water is the main source of life that we all humans and we must preserve and maintain it, trying not to contaminate it with toxic waste or any substance, many times the water is polluted by the industries they deposit their waste in it and also pollution of water is caused by reasons of nature, such as by excessive growth of plants.
The natural water cycle has a great capacity for purification. But this same water reclamation facility, and its apparent abundance, makes it the usual dump where we throw the waste produced by our activities. Pesticides, chemical wastes, heavy metals, radioactive waste, and so on., Are, in greater or lesser amounts, to analyze the waters of the most remote places in the world. Many waters are polluted to the point of making them dangerous for human health and harmful to life. First it was the river port areas of large cities and industrial zones which became dirty sewers, loaded with chemicals, foam and all types of pollutants. With industrialization and economic development, this problem has been shifting to developing countries, while developed countries were produced significant improvements.
For more information they can get into the: http://www.tecnun.es/asignaturas/ecologia/hipertexto/11cagu/100coacu.htm
Barbara Gil
in this moment around the world, we suffer the consequences of polluting and wasting water. Due to a severe shortage of this natural resource, which is essential for life. Previously it was believed that water is a renewable resource, but the truth is that it is a limited resourceIt. is true that the earth is made up of 70% water, but not all is fit for human consumption. That is why we must be aware and not continue to pollute the little water we have available. It is very important to remember that this problem continues to grow, we must take action and control to time.
Water is a natural element essential to the development of life and human activities is difficult to imagine any activity that is not used, in one form or another.
On our planet covers 75% of its surface, but not all water is in a condition fit for human use. The 97.5% is salt water, 2.5% is fresh water resulting distributed in lakes, rivers, streams and reservoirs, this proportion is the minimum we can use with ease.
The water to meet specific needs becomes a resource. But not everybody have it. This happens for several reasons, among which can mention the uneven natural distribution of water in the earth's surface. This inability leads to shortages, which is not exclusively natural causes, but also social. This allows us to say that there is a close relationship between the potential supply and development, because the larger the development, the greater the ability to obtain and the greater the contamination.
Humanity requires water in increasing amounts for their activities. The increased water consumption is also due to increased agricultural irrigation practices, the great industrial development or the existence of consumer habits, sometimes involving misuse.
Water is the most important natural resource for the development of human life, plant and animal is important to note that much of the human body is made up of water. Recently, climatic changes are the "El Nino" Venezuela is being undermined in the water, as is occurring sequi why we are being forced to conserve and save water. Avoid sources of contamination, such as not to throw garbage in the gutters so that when it rains, that trash is not washed out and prevents this comes to dirty rivers, leaving no bottled water for long as this causes the larvae that will develop into mosquitoes and cause disease.
Water pollution due to industries that have been established at levels of rivers and lakes, without a clear vision of great ecological damage that is causing you to our nature, why express it?, Now these large industries dump to our water bodies (seas, rivers and lakes) large amounts of organic wastes which are harmful to living things that live there and therefore our society, consequently resulting in contamination of the same; worth noting that in this week holds a global summit in Denmark where the points are being addressed in the Climate Change and the impact this is generating in the world and in the first instance to the exhaustion of the vital liquid as it is water, which experts say in the case predict that will not at the next 100 years.
Sorry for the delay.
Water is an essential element for life, but also is one of the major resources has been the subject of extensive research, reflected in a wide range of investigations both in the physical, chemical and biological.
Inadequate management of water resources has led to a large extent the imbalance in the ecosystem, to name one important respect, the industries discharging pollutants close to the river basins, allowing a negative impact on the environment and in turn, creating the environment and people such as pesticides, plastics, petroleum, among others, as they are harmful to humans, animals, plants and aquatic life.
The article is very interesting because it talks about as important as water , not presently is being given the appropriate utility , resource also tells us about the different types of pollution so in this way to give us a vision of what we contamiacion affects it.
Willmary Canónico
It is very important to know that water pollution causes various diseases both in people and in ocacionados death of these animals, but we must also take into account that most blame us have to do everything that is not due to this contamination as convert various pollutants by factories as industrial discharges, sewage, etc.
Here an article in Spanish
Water is the most important natural resource for the development of human life, plant and animal is important to note that much of the human body is made up of water. Recently, climatic changes are the "El Nino" Venezuela is being undermined in the water, as is occurring sequi why we are being forced to conserve and save water. Avoid sources of contamination, such as not to throw garbage in the gutters so that when it rains, that trash is not washed out and prevents this comes to dirty rivers, leaving no bottled water for long as this causes the larvae that will develop into mosquitoes and cause disease.
Excellent Material, allowing reflect our daily actions , and in some cases change our current habits , and helps us to protect Mother Nature . Water is very important in the life of all human beings and animals and must be aware of all the harm we cause to littering and other elements that cause water contamination must care more because without it we could not live.
Excellent Material, allowing reflect our daily actions , and in some cases change our current habits , and helps us to protect Mother Nature . Water is very important in the life of all human beings and animals and must be aware of all the harm we cause to littering and other elements that cause water contamination must care more because without it we could not live.
water is one of the most important natural resources on planet earth and human life; and one of the culprits so to speak is the man an example of this is the neighborhood where I live passing a stream that in 1999 desvordo and left many families homeless, the government lent his collaboration in the envaulamieto broken, but the city today has no conscience as they continue throwing garbage waste in more polluted creek without thinking that because of such waste can return aocurrir another catastrophe
Water pollution is a problem that involves us all, water is the most valuable natural resource on the planet because it can be used both for domestic use, such as industry, agriculture, among many others, can be said to be the source planet's energy without the existence of the non-human life would be possible
Water by different pollutants such as polluter: Biological waste and organic, resulting in deterioration of aquatic ecosystems, the human being is the ability to avoid and prevent these events, and increasing dependence over this element .
In Current water pollution is alarming levels, daily large amounts of dead fish found on the shore, to baffle all scientists around the world, one of the biggest problems is the pollution that has stopped shedding oil into the seas, putting life in danger at sea
Water pollution it´s one of the mayor problems tha we have to solve as soon as we can because water is the sustentation of all kind a life. there is a lot of iniciatives for create new ways of water purification but i think that we have to prevent pollution first by an education program that starts at the very begining level of education, when we learn something at early age we keep that knowledge forever.
Water pollution must take more human awareness and educate empesar from our house starting with the family regarding the proper utilization , besides the government should implement rules governing the polluting companies to decreased thus reducing its impact the effect because water is an essential resource for human life .
I agree with the idea because, talks about water pollution occurring in several class; the first of which are the causative agents of diseases, the second oxygen-demanding wastes; with these kind of comtaminante that mensiona the author if awareness of the vital liquid is taken would have a consequence verda living things that tempt with their existence.
Water pollution can be classified into several categories, but each man and bacteria, or natural agents are produced. But you could say that man-made pollution is more serious affecting animals found in the water and we consume those waters.
excellent article because it makes us think about water pollution is one of the most important resources of the living beings and see how many fish die and live ormanismos
In our country many times is not given to water resources the importance it deserves, we are used to splash water, and do nothing to try to clean up wastewater, sewage flowing into our rivers and beaches, contaminating everything in its path and killing flora living there. The government should create policies that prevent the water remains misused and placing plants for wastewater treatment, so that the pollution of our beaches and rivers is reduced.
The water is an essential natural element in the basic needs of all living beings. Is the most important plant and animal food. It is known from history as through water pollution have been infected large numbers of people in a population, so it is very important care. Although we think that water is an unlimited resource, covering three quarters of the planet only 3% is fresh water and only a little of that procion is potable.
Perhaps we unavoidable water care for viruses and diseases, but we can help care when disposing our leftovers properly. Also we reflexionar on their unequal distribution in the world, while some washing the trucks splashed some people never prove a glass of water in your life. Alcimar
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